MA and The Fly Hunnies welcomes all to a safe place to bob your purari head.
Whārikihia ngā kawenga ō te rā, whakaheitia te pō !!
MĀ and The Fly Hunnies welcomes all to a safe place to bob your purari head. This 7 piece band hosts the collection of MĀ'S discography. You will hear music from her debut album 'Breakfast With Hades' (kia hoki ngā mahara) but most importantly her new music co created with WYNONA, which is set to be released in June.
The Wellington based duo met creating a soundtrack for the theatre show 'Ngā Rorirori', Now bound by the values of hip hop - the soundtrack has evolved into an EP. They are respectable members of society by day & a box of positives by night, So come spread your arms if you really need a hug.
Meeting House | Collective Info
I raro i te manaakitanga ō Tararua maunga ō Raukawa Mōana ō ngā iwi ō Toa Rangatira, Te Atiawa me Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga anei mātou a Meeting House Records.
We are an Artist-Run Collective, based in Te Whanganui-a-Tara which consists of musicians Mara TK, AJA & MĀ. This collective is run by Māori for Māori, guided by Tikanga Māori. We’re also a little weird and it only exists for the purpose of connecting people, making and releasing music that has spiritual and cultural heft. A place where we and our contemporaries can make amazing records that future generations will listen to, be inspired by and even give them a sense of direction. Therefore, we have combined our superpowers to guide our own industry, we put manaakitanga before all else e.g. family first, all of our Taha’s are taken care of, there is no playing for exposure, snacks are essential, pay is essential.
As individual artists we have created and performed an assortment of indigenous music. Ko te tūmanako we are holding safe spaces for our people to feel whatever they are feeling at the time.
Nā reira, nau mai haere mai & leave your shoes at the door.